High Achievers Coaching
Are you facing impossible challenges in your life? Are your
setbacks keeping you from who you believe you are destined to
become? Do you find yourself stuck in the same rut you were in
two or three years ago at the same time? Do you dream of
breaking free and successfully making it to the next level? Do
you feel you have a much grander calling on your life but are
not sure what to do to make that happen?
In the world of professional athletics, one of the key elements
for a high performance team is the selection of inspirational
and charismatic coaches who can bring out the best in each
One way to accelerate your
breakthroughs is by hiring a personal development coach. A coach
can be a great resource for helping you to
achieve the
impossible and conquer your barriers.
Someone who has broken free of
similar types of setbacks that you want to free yourself from.
You might be struggling with some new challenges where a coach
can play a role in overcoming your setbacks with greater ease.
You might be struggling in your business and a coach can assist
you in improving your sales presentation and marketing
strategies. You might be launching a new career and a coach can
help you accelerate your growth and bridge the gap from where
you are now to where you need to be.
How can a personal coach accelerate your journey to greater
breakthroughs and help you enjoy more frequent successes? What
are the benefits in working with a success coach?
1. Cast A Vision
for Your Future.
A personal coach can see us as we truly are right now, and look
deeper to see our fullest potential down the road.
2. Help You
Get From Point A to Point B. An insightful coach
will be the bridge that gets a person from where they are now,
to where they want to be.
3. Build and Reinforce Your Untapped Potential. A
coach helps you to draw out, develop and reinforce your gifts
and talents. Building upon your strengths.
4. Accountability Partner.
A trusted coach will hold you accountable by having you report
daily or weekly on your accomplishments and struggles.
5. Solid Feedback.
An experienced coach is a sounding board where you can bounce
ideas, thoughts, difficulties and setbacks.
6. Sparks Your Creativity
and Innovation.
A proficient coach will bring you new ideas and create an
atmosphere that fosters your creativity.
7. Steer You Towards
Greater Successes.
A competent coach will help you to define your Vision and
Mission based on your assets, skills, experiences and ambitions.
8. Keeps Your Tank Refueled. A successful coach
will keep you motivated during tough times, helping you to pick
yourself up and surge ahead successfully overcoming your
These are some of Rick's breakthroughs, accomplishments,
and the many setbacks he has overcome. Rick will teach you the
secrets for using obstacles to propel you forward for amazing
breakthroughs, such as these.
Rick had an agonizing fear of heights. Even driving over bridges
created anxiety. He broke free of that fear and has since logged
over 180 parachute jumps at 13,500 feet (2.5 miles up!). Now
Rick loves the very thing that once generated such paralyzing
Rick was once failing his high school gym class. He never played
any sports or athletics. He was clumsy and awkward. Later he had
a big breakthrough and enlisted in the Marine Corps. While
there, Rick was ranked as #12 among 80 other U.S. Marines in
boot camp at Parris Island
Rick fell on hard times and was homeless for several months.
Eight years later, Rick had an incredible breakthrough and was
earning over $100,000 per year working as the Manager of
Technology Education at an international mutual funds firm
Rick enrolled in public speaking classes several times. He was
overwhelmed with fear and dropped out each time. Rick eventually
had a dramatic breakthrough in his confidence speaking in front
of an audience and became an award winning public speaker.
In high school and college, Rick was always a mediocre student
with B's and C's. Later he broke free of that rut and achieved
straight A's with a 3.95 GPA while taking all of the
pre-requisite courses to apply to nursing school. All done late
in life at age 45.
When Rick first enrolled in college, he failed his writing
assessment exam at Temple University. He then had to enroll in a
remedial writing course. He even failed that remedial writing
course! He had a breakthrough in writing and has since written
numerous articles, training manuals and books!
In December 2006, Rick was diagnosed with Lupus by a leading
rheumatologist at a nationally known hospital. They told him the
disease was so advanced that he had about five years left and
then his organs would shut down. Rick had a breakthrough with
that. He went from dying of Lupus to thriving and running daily
sprint biathlons of jogging and bicycling for 2 to 3 hours each
and every day!
You can hire
Rick as your personal one-on-one coach to assist you in
accomplishing the impossible in your life and the lives of your
loved ones.
A typical coaching relationship might start on a trial
basis. You are under no obligation and can quit at any time
without any fuss. Billing is done on a minute-by-minute
basis. Sometimes a client just needs 10 minutes prior to a
big event they are facing, such as a speech or a
presentation. For that 10 minute phone call they are only
billed for 10 minutes. Others need 90 minutes and are billed
for 90 minutes.
Some of the telephone coaching
sessions Rick has conducted have included: becoming more
confident in public speaking, getting others to give you
respect on the job, building greater self-esteem, enhancing
interpersonal relationships, writing your first book,
strengthening your internet presence, marketing yourself
with greater success. |
Rick to see if a personal coach is a good fit for your
current needs. Let's see if Rick can help you reach those
objectives in your life that you yearn for. |